Legal mentions
A- Company information :
Solanet group
44-46 avenue du Président Kennedy
75016 , Paris
01 45 25 63 44
712 032 101 RCS Paris
Capital of € 750,000
SIRET: 712 032 101 000 24
Intra Community VAT number : FR 48712032101
Professional card number : T1577 , G 988
B- Web hosting :
Conception and Developement : LMC France
Web hosting : Gandi
C- Industrial and intellectual property :
This entire website , including text, logos, paintings, illustrations and photographs , downloadable documents and all elements of source code, are subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
Total or partial reproduction of these items on any media whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the prior written agreement of the Solanet Group .
D- Protection of personal data:
In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978 this website has been declared to the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL ) [ ] . Registered under number 1767838 , dated May 21, 2014 .
During your visit to the Site, you may be asked to provide us with personal information through various forms. These are processed automatically . This information is only used by the Solanet Group in order to respond to your requests.
This information is kept the time necessary for them to be processed.
You have a right to access, modify , rectify and delete data concerning you ( art. 34 of the law " Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978).
You can exercise this right:
By email to the following address:
By postal mail to :
Solanet group
44-46 avenue du Président Kennedy
75016 , Paris
E- Responsibility:
The Solanet Group disclaims any liability for any information , inaccuracy or omission relating to information available on its website. In addition, any decision taken on the basis of this information can not engage the responsibility of the Solanet Group . In no event the Solanet Group will be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of its website .